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Яйцо насекомого? Помогите опознать! Фиолетовый шмель-плотник?

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsЯйцо насекомого? Помогите опознать! Фиолетовый шмель-плотник?

, 24.01.2020 20:41

There is something disturbed in the booth at work. It is big, black, with a purple tint. They fly cheerfully, emitting a low hum, similar to the sound of a large hornet flying. I Googled "black bumblebee" - it looks like "purple bumblebee". In the corner of the booth I found a pile of wood dust, butterfly wings and this shell. Does this "egg" have to do with the carpenter bumblebee? It feels like a plastic bottle. Or a broken ping pong ball. The wall thickness is like thick paper. Glossy black surface. Under the black gloss is a dark gray fibrous substance, like a very thin cardboard. Very elastic, flexible. Near the hole, you can squeeze almost 50% of the original shape - it does not crack, restores the shape almost completely. The top is neatly gnawed off, apparently in the process of the child's exit outside... I've never seen anything like it. Can you tell me?

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