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Please, help me with the species identification

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsPlease, help me with the species identification

Dana Borzyh, 03.10.2023 22:28

I collected beautiful green beetles with a metallic sheen this summer. They lived on the leaves of the currant, my husband's mother assured me that they were fiddler beetleы. I wanted these beauties to live at my house, so I took them away, put them in a terrarium, fed them with bananas. They lived for a while, but in the end they all died anyway. And all this time I was tormented by doubts. Somehow they don't look like fiddler beetles to me. Can anyone tell me exactly what this species is called?


03.10.2023 22:30, Dana Borzyh

I forgot to add that these bugs are quite small, they are not bigger than a ladybug.

03.10.2023 22:49, Peter Khramov

Dana, please add the information on geography (where the beetles were collected). Ideally, enter the location field for the photos you uploaded here: https://insecta.pro/usercab/usergallery or you can specify the location in the comments in current topic.

03.10.2023 23:06, Dana Borzyh

Peter, I collected them in Estonia, near the city of Tartu

04.10.2023 9:14,

Dana, your doubts were well-founded. This is a leaf beetle. Most likely it is Plagiosterna aenea (Linnaeus, 1758). I can only tell for sure from the photo in a different angle, i.e. from above, (not from the side). Compare here with this photo https://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/plaaenpw.htm

04.10.2023 12:19, Peter Khramov

Dana, take a photo from above and upload it to the website's gallery please...

06.10.2023 9:53, Dana Borzyh

I took a photo of upperside too, but for some reason I couldn't attach it to the message. But there are only 2 photos uploaded by my name so...

06.10.2023 10:43,

I confirm that it is Plagiosterna aenea (Linnaeus, 1758).

06.10.2023 12:45, Peter Khramov

The photos were moved to P. aenea species.

07.10.2023 9:15, Dana Borzyh

Thank you very much!

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